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Welcome prospective Titans!
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The game is a fully interactive 3D MMORPG in which you play as a Titan of Time. You'll defeat countless enemies, explore new areas, and venture into instances known as "temples." Take control of your destiny and become a Titan of Time!

Getting Started

Become familiar the basic mechanics of the game.







Aquiring Loot






There are four classes of character you can play as in Titans of Time. Each with there own unique set of skills and abilities. Learn about them here and decide which ones sound right for you.


Strong physical attacks allow you to cut through enemies. Evade your foes and launch sneak attacks with your agility and stealthy powers.


Melee- Basic attack dealing 50 base damage. Cost no rage. has 1 second cooldown. Range 1 space.

Stab- Run your weapon through your enemy dealing 180 damage, while consuming 125 rage. Has 2 second cooldown. range 1 space

Stealth- Turn nearly invisible hiding yourself from enemies. Has 2 second cooldown

Sever- Slice your enemy causing them to bleed for 200 damage for 10 to 15 seconds, costing 122 rage.

Blade Storm- You wield your weapons so quickly you inflict massive damage on your enemy causing 650 damage, consuming 940 rage.

Distracting Throw- Hurl your weapon at your enemy from afar causing 75 damage, consuming 94 rage.

Assassin’s Vigor- You are consumed with a burst of energy, increasing your strength by 15% for 5 minutes.


Hold your ground as a powerful armored warrior. Able to equip a shield, you block enemy attacks and dominate enemies with earth shattering strength.


Melee- Basic attack dealing 50 base damage. Costs no rage. Has 1 second cooldown. range 1 space.

Gash- You tear the flesh of your enemy causing them to bleed out for 190 damage over 10 to 15 seconds, consuming 212 rage. Has 2 second cooldown. Range 1 space

Bludgeon- Weapon wounds your opponent 150 damage, consuming 164 rage. Has 3 second cooldown. Range 1 space

Charge- You charge opponent briefly stunning them and causing 40 damage. has 10 second cooldown.

Destroy- A fierce attack that inflicts immense pain, causing 300 (+ 2) damage to your target. Consumes 289 rage. Critical strike chance increases by 50% when victim is below 20% hp.

Titans Battle Cry- Increase the target's maximum health pool by 15%. Lasts 4-5 minutes.

Shield Wall- The Titan takes a defensive stance absorbing 10% of their maximum health pools worth of damage. Does not protect against over-time effects. Lasts 10 to 15 seconds. Requires an equipped shield.

Taunt- Taunts your enemy, making them focus their efforts on you.

Shield Bash- Bash your opponent with your shield stunning them for 1-3 seconds


Keep yourself and your allies alive with powerful healing spells. Torment your enemies souls with divine wrath.

Skills Melee- Basic attack 50 base damage. Cost no mana. Has 1 second cooldown. Range 1 space.

Holy Wrath- Call upon the wrath of the gods, causing 200 base damage. Consuming 175 mana. Has 2 second cooldown. Range 8 spaces.

Salvation- Call upon the mercy of the gods for salvation, healing the target for 170 health consuming 110 mana. Has 2 second cooldown. Range 10 spaces.

Protection of the Demigods- Surrounds your target with the protection energies of your soul. Shield will absorb 10% of targets maximum health pools worth of damage. Does not protect against over-time effects. Lasts 20 to 25 seconds or until destroyed. costs 180 mana. Has 30 second cooldown. Range 8 spaces.

Holy Commandment- Call upon the divine hand of judgment, dealing 100 (+ 1) damage to your enemies, consuming 130 mana.

Spiritual Rejuvenation- The spirits of the past pass through your target providing 80 (+ 1) health over 5 to 10 seconds. Costs 100 mana.

Prayer of Forgiveness- Request the merciful touch of the Gods upon your allies. Healing up to 5 surrounding party members for 140 (+ 1), costing 215 mana.

Fortitude- Increase a friendly players stamina by 15% for 30 minutes. Cost 375 mana.


Equipped with the powers of the intellect, you crush your opponents mentally leaving them in agony. Your enlightened mind can even provide healing powers.


Melee- Basic attack 50 base damage. Cost no mana. Has 1 second cooldown. Range 1 space.

Cosmic Blast- Call upon the cosmos to blast your opponent costing220 mana, dealing 250 base damage. has 2 second cooldown. Range 10 spaces.

Cosmic Energy- Heals target for 110 health instantly and again over the next 10 to 15 seconds and consuming 220 mana. Has 3 second cooldown. Range 8 spaces.

Mental Agony- Send pulses of pain through your opponents mind costing 230 mana and does 180 (+ 2,224) damage instantly and again over 5 to 10 seconds.

Supernova- Generate a small supernova dealing 210 (+ 2,595) damage to up to 5 nearby enemies. Costs 298 mana.

Mental Exhaustion- Barrage your enemy's mind with exhausting thoughts, costing 125 mana and dealing 180 (+ 2,224) damage over 10 to 15 seconds.

Planetary Pain- Damages up to 5 surrounding enemies for 140 (+ 1,730) instantly and again over the next 5 to 10 seconds. Costs 461 mana.


In Titans of Time you can choose to work on all available professions. Doing so will give you access to unique items to aid you in your adventure.






There are many unique areas to discover and explore in Titans of Time. The first area you start in is within the tranquil Astari Forest which will lead you North to the city of Hallengard. The remaining areas are for you to discover.

Astari Forest
