Getting Started

From Titans of Time
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  • Keyboard
    • The W and S keys allow you to move foward/back, while A and D turn you left/right.
    • Q and E keys allow you to strafe left/right.
    • Home key will enable autorun. Press again to disable.
    • F11 allows you to go fullscreen if the game hadn't done so so automatically.
    • These controls are not set in stone and can be modified in Options > Controls
    • You can also modify what key will target the next enemy, auto run, loot, etc.

  • Mouse
    • You can also use the mouse to control your character.
    • Hold down the right mouse button and move your mouse left and right to rotate. You can do this while using your keyboard to move forward/backwards.
    • Hold down the left mouse button and move your mouse left and right to rotate the camera around your characer.
    • Hold down the left and right mouse button at the same time to move forward. You can also move the mouse left and right to rotate while doing this.

You may adjust to your style as needed

Non Playable Characters (NPC's)


  • There are as many allies as there are foes and friendly npcs cannot be attacked.
    • Some of these npcs give you quests while others only exist to converse with.
    • Some npcs may even be merchants selling gear or important quest items.
    • Hostile npcs exist only to be slain and will generally attack when you are near them.
  • To interact with friendly npcs, you must click on them while being close enough.
    • If you're too far away from the npc you'll only see their status bar.
    • Hostile enemies usually target you first, which will automatically let you see their status bar.
    • If you want to check an enemy without engaging in battle, click on them from afar


Combat is in real time and the enemy will not wait to attack.

To attack, first target your enemy by clicking on them. You can also target nearby enemies by pressing the TAB key. Press TAB again to focus the next closest enemy. You can hold down SHIFT to cycle in the reverse order. Once you have selected your target their stat bar which contains there health, mana/rage and other attributes will show up next to ours. Now you are ready to use your abilities.

  • You must be close enough to the target to activate the skill and has a specified range
Not Ready
  • Depending on your class you will have and unlock different types of abilities.
    • Melee: Every class has a melee ability that does damage without costing any mana/rage.
    • Magic: Priests and Philosophers have magical attacks which are boosted by their intellect.
    • Physical Attacks: Assassins and Titans have a variety of physical attacks to destroy their enemies with. These are boosted by their strength.
    • Heals: Some classes have the ability to heal themselves and their party members. If targeting an enemy, casting a heal will heal yourself.
  • Some abilities may work differently
    • Aoe: Some abilities can target multiple players, friends and foes alike
    • Dot: Some abilities deal damage or heal over time.
      • Tick: One tick equals 5 seconds. Dot abilities are essentially run by ticks.
  • Some abilities don't deal damage but have different effects
    • Buff: Abilities that target the players themselves. Some can be cast on other players.
      • Shield: A Buff that protects the player from enemy attacks.
    • Stun: Some classes have abilities that can stun the enemy.
    • Unique: There are two skills that don't fit any category
      • Taunt: An ability that provokes an enemy to attack you
      • Balance: An ability that costs health but recovers mana

  • Your abilities are placed on the left hot bar
    • You can either click the button or press the related number key to attack.
    • Abilities will become greyed out when you are unable to use them.



  • Your inventory stores all of your items. There are a few things you can do here.
    • Equipping Items: Your gear is shown along with the inventory and you equip your items through the inventory.
      • The Shield icon next to the item allows you to equip it.
      • The 90 degree Arrow icon under your equipped gear allows you to unequip it.
    • Repairing: Every time you die you will have the option to repair your gear.
      • You will see a Wrench icon labeled "Repair all" in the middle of your gear interface.
      • Repairing gear costs a small amount of gold
      • You will need to repair gear, as equipment with 0 durability will not function.
    • Item Functions: Other than equipping, items may also have other Actions
      • Consume: Items with a Potion icon can be consumed, usually recovering your health and mana/rage.
        • Stat potions temporarily raise your stats while the Hearth Scroll can be consumed infinitely to take you back to the tavern.
      • Transfer: Items with a Double Arrow icon can be transferred. Items that can be transferred have 3 different options
        • Legion: You can transfer an item into your legion, where it can be stored in your Vault.
        • Player: You can transfer an item directly to another player. (might be bugged)
        • Auction: You can transfer an item to the auction, where it can be bid on by other players for gold.
      • Sell: Items that have the Dollar Sign icon can be sold. The amount of gold you can obtain will be labeled by "Value"
        • Be careful what you sell, as you may not be able to obtain them again.


  • Within the Inventory you can see many categories of items.
    • Special: This contains your points and gold.
    • Equipment: You will see all your equipment in different tabs (Belt, Boots, Chest, etc.)
    • Consumables: Any items that can be consumed will be in this section.
    • Gems: Any gems you can socket into your gear, granted it has an empty slot, will be in this section.
    • Misc: Any items that don't fit in any of the other sections. There are quite a few.
      • Junk: Any items that serve no purpose other than to be sold will be labeled in grey text.
      • Quest: Items that are required to complete quests. They generally cannot be sold or transferred.
      • Key: A Key item (pun intended) that allows you to enter areas normally locked. Some keys also count as a quest item.
      • Material: Whether it be a cooking ingredient or herb, they will be listed here. Some fish or herbs don't really serve a purpose and act no differently than junk items.
  • Consumables work like Abilities and can be placed on the right hot bar.
    • This allows you to quickly consume an item without directing accessing the inventory.
    • You can only click on the button to consume the item.
    • Items you cannot use yet are greyed out just like abilities

Aquiring Loot

Enemies may or may not drop items, which appear as chests. Loot can also be purchased from Merchants, through trade with other players, or given out as a reward by quest giving npcs

Spoils of war

Items dropped by enemy npcs may be acquired either by clicking on the chest or by the Loot control, in which the items will be acquired automatically.

You may learn professions to create or gather your own items! These skills are leveled up through repeated works. In other words, to raise your fishing level, for example, you must continue to catch more fish. When you cannot level up anymore, you must continue to fish in higher-level areas.


The Spellbook are where your abilities come from. As you level up, you will gain access to new abilities and ranks. You will have to learn them manually as each new ability/rank has a cost. You can access the spellbook through Manage > Spellbook.

To add a new ability, click on the ability from the spellbook, you can then drag and place it on the desired spellbar spot.

To remove the ability, click on the ability from the hot bar and then click anywhere outside the spellbar.




The only way you can increase your stats is to equip higher level gear or through the training screen.

You can access Training through Activities > Training

  • Every 2 minutes you regenerate 10/20 energy (depending on exalted player status)
    • Energy caps at 100 energy and is used to upgrade your attributes
  • Every class has a set of attributes that increase their effectiveness in battle.
  • Points can be earned daily through Daily Quests, Vote for Rewards, and Tomb Raiding.
    • Both Vote for Rewards and Tomb Raiding can be accessed through Activities as well.

Training increases your base attribute number, while gear multiplies those attributes by a percentage. So if you have 1000 stamina and a Chest with a 10% stamina boost, your total stamina will be increased to 1100.

These attributes, in turn, increase your stats, which also work based on a multiplier. You can learn more through Classes


Each Class also has their own Talent tree, which allow you to further upgrade your character. You start with 1 point and gain 1 more every ten levels. There are also quests that may award you with talent points as well, so be sure to complete those.

You can reset your talents for free the first time, but every subsequent reset adds an extra 5 point cost which stack additively. So your 3rd reset, for example, would cost 10 points (first reset is free). So be mindful of what talents you want.



At a certain point, you will be able to purchase pets from an npc. You can choose between 3 different pets, but they all more or less function the same. Pets can help fight with you in battle.